I haven't posted much lately because I just have not had time. I have been struggling trying to find time being a mom, wife, and employee (not to mention all the other things I am supposed to be...friend, daughter, sister...) Every day I go to bed wishing there were more hours in a days time. My routine has been something about like this on a weekday...Wake up around 6am and feed Lillian, get her back to sleep, pump, get myself ready for work, attempt to make it to work by 8am (never fails I am usually about 15 minutes late), work until somewhere between 4pm and 5pm, get home and either pump or feed Lillian, love on Lillian for a little bit, cook dinner and eat, feed Lillian, clean the mess I made in the kitchen, bathe Lillian, feed Lillian and put her to bed, and by this point I am exhausted and I go to bed too. Did you ever see anywhere in that typical day where I made time for my husband? No! Not cool either! We had to have a talk and come up with a better plan and schedule, because since Lillian was born we have neglected our relationship and not had much time for one another. We would talk and spend time with each other but it was always revolved around Lillian. We are now making a point to make time for each other, to talk about something other than our child, to ask each other how the other is doing, to make each other laugh. Please don't get me wrong, we do love our baby, more than we ever thought was possible actually, but we can't forget about each other. I actually read a quote the other day that I really liked..."Your heart beats because of our love and our love beats stronger because of you!" It is very true, but if we kept going on the path we were on, we definitely could have grown apart and our love would have been tempted to not be so strong. I'm hoping with time and determination it will be easier to manage all of the duties I am to uphold. For now I am going to do the best I can and will remember to always turn to God for help and guidance. Afterall, "the Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
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